The Georgetown Voice

Covers and editorial design for Georgetown University’s newsmagazine.

Selected covers and design of the annual fashion issue for Georgetown University’s premier magazine providing the university with news, commentary, arts, humor, and sports, as well as long-form journalism.

Fashion Issue

Although I was responsible for the design and direction of nearly 10 issues, the Fashion issue was my favorite because I was able to spend a long time planning with the coordinators to create a cohesive look and feel. The concept for this year’s issue is Masquerade: Catholic Prep—thinking of our daily routines as Georgetown students as a masquerade ball, a celebration that descends from the Catholic tradition in Venice. Hiding behind masks, people do what they otherwise wouldn’t before the paucity of Lent arrives. This is not so different from how we live as Georgetown students—whether it’s going to class in business casual before an interview or donning a tuxedo for Senior Ball. Though masks can protect us from being seen, in the design of the shield they reveal who we are. But sometimes they can be costly. On the one hand, the clothes we brought in were worth more than our savings. On the other hand, wearing the clothes you are expected to can come at the cost of the clothes that make you feel like yourself. The stress of wearing these masks can suffocate us, but they can also be beautiful, something we hoped to reveal in this issue.